Admin Manager Application

Admin Manager Application for Windows only


IODD Download Center


Admin Panel Area

● The administrator can lock or unlock the IODD connected to the PC. ● All functions require an administrator password. ● Administrator can save or load password configuration file.

  1. [Admin password] input Field All functions of Admin manager require an administrator password. If the administrator password is not known, no changes to the program are saved to the IODD.

  2. [Secondary password(2nd Password)] input Field It is used when setting a password for the first time in Admin manager or when an encrypted disk is installed in another IODD. Be careful not to lose the secondary password.

  3. Secondary password [Set] button The administrator can set a secondary password on the machine (up to 38 digits).

  4. [Unlock] button Unlocks the password lock of the connected IODD.

  5. [Lock] button Password lock the connected IODD.

  6. [Password configuration] tab Admin can save/manage the current user settings (passwords/permissions) as a password configuration file. A master password is required for save and open The master password can be set differently for each password configuration file. Apart from the administrator password, it is only used to save/open password configuration files.

User management area

● Administrators can set, change, or delete passwords and permissions for individual users.

  1. Check the user to be used among users 1-4 [1], and check the password [2] and authority [3]. 1.1. Click the [Set Password] button to apply. 1.2. If [Do not reconnect] is checked, it will be applied immediately without reconnection. 1.3. The [Empty] button initializes all user input items in the area.

  2. Users will have their passwords begin with their user number and begin with 1-4. 2.1. The user password can be set up to 38 digits (the first digit of the user identification number + 37 digits).

  3. The administrator password is required to change or remove a user's password in Admin manager. 3.1. Even if a user who has [Change Password] is changes the password, the administrator can change the user's password and privileges.

Current Status Area

  • The administrator can check the encryption lock status and user status of the connected IODD.

  • The administrator can check the user's permission with the status of the checkbox.

Log Area

  • Display the progress status log. clear the contents with the [Clear] button.

  • Close the program/ Change The language using the [Settings]-[Preferences] menu Supported languages : Korean/English/German/French/Chinese/Japanese/Russian

All functions can be used within the IODD device, except for the password configuration file of ADMIN MANAGER.

Last updated